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Greenhawks (S)

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

At the start of the year, I joined Greenhawks, hoping to try to be a more responsible global citizen. I had never been part of any environment-related club and was eager to join one. Initially, I recognized the growing importance of taking care of the Earth, and thought the first step to do so was to join Greenhawks.

However, it was kind of overwhelming, being a new member of a club that I am aware some people have dedicated years to. I wasn’t well-versed in issues about the environment, so I was scared I might not fit in. However, Greenhawks welcomed me with a friendly, calm environment, making me understand how the club worked. There were three departments in the club, and I chose to join the recycling one. For weeks, we divided up in small groups, helping each other collect used paper from teachers in the green boxes, and sorted them based on if they were used, unused, or used only on one side. Sometimes, there was confusion about which category to sort those papers in because some were a bit used on one side and some were not used by crumpled. As I went to the club more often and repeated the process and received help from fellow members, however, I got the hang of it. Another activity we did was collect plastic bottles to recycle them. We would take off the caps, clean any liquid inside, and squish the bottles flat using our feet. Furthermore, the benefit of working collaboratively was that the process became much more productive, and less tedious to do. It was fun to stomp my feet on the bottles while talking to people, and surprisingly, I did make new friends from it.

In the end, collecting these bottles and sorting paper may seem like a waste of time, but it made me realize one valuable lesson. Every time I went to Greenhawks, I grew more conscious of the resources we were consuming. Seeing a big pile of paper or plastic bottles showed the amount of waste we were all creating and how much it could harm the Earth. However, it also made me appreciate the efforts that people, including members of Greenhawks, were putting into to make the world a cleaner place.


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