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Mercy Center Trip (S)

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

During Wells WIthout Walls week and as part of the Serwis club, I went to Mercy Center, a shelter that provides education and support for children. There, I partook in events such as drawing, playing games, reading picture books, dancing, and celebrating teacher's day with kids aged around 3-5 years. Interacting with them was difficult (it was more difficult in real life, compared to virtually-- see previous post about reading to kids on Zoom); I could not clearly understand what they were saying and they acted chaotically. However, I think through my cooperative and friendly actions (especially when drawing), they were able to understand my desire to get along with them. Having to entertain kids put me on the spot and reinforced the fact that I was lacking in terms of communication skills. At the same time, it also helped me to develop a style of acting and speaking to fit in with children.

In the latter part of the trip, staff members explained the history and mission of Mercy Center. I learned that they provided support for children who were orphans, uneducated, illiterate, or whose parents were of low income, ill, etc. Hearing about a tribe that was located on an island, whose members were feeding their children with unsafe and unclean food, made me frustrated. I realized the importance of education because without it, people are unable to advance in life, and their children's opportunities are limited. While I grew a deep appreciation for the education and resources I received, seeing such inequality also made me feel guilty. In the future, I will take less things for granted, be more conscious about the consequences of my actions to the community, and try harder to give to those who are less fortunate.


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