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Planting Trees in Wells Chonburi Campus for Wells Without Walls (S)

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

7: Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

During Wells Without Walls, I went to the Wells Chonburi campus with fellow Greenhawks members to plant trees. We learned about how to maintain a garden by talking to the gardener. I had to act as a translator impromptu, since the gardener only spoke in Thai. I felt pressured because I could only speak basic Thai words; I did not know specific terminology related to plants or gardening tools. I also sometimes knew words in Thai but not English. Overall, my translation was not very effective and communication was extremely challenging.

Still, the discussion with the gardener was informative. I learned about how to use seedling trays, how often to water specific plants, etc. I was especially interested in different ways to make gardening more environmentally friendly. As I was reminded of the harmful effects of pesticides and fertilizer, I reflected on my gardening habits at home, and decided to stop using fertilizer. Overall, the knowledge that I gained from this trip will be used for Greenhawks' sustainable gardening project next year.


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