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Qigong exercise (A)

1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Based on past experiences, I found that I did not do well with fast-paced and intensive exercises. So, I decided to join my mom as she was doing her qigong exercise, which involves a slow set of movements and is similar to yoga. We did 5 different sets, each containing 10 reps. It was a relaxing experience, both physically and mentally. It was not too exhausting, but I could still feel I was getting exercise. I also liked that I was not pressured to do a number of reps in a certain amount of time like I normally had to in P.E. In addition, I appreciated that my mom wore her work clothes and used a wooden stick when doing her exercises. It helped me realize that I did not need extra equipment to exercise; I did not need workout clothes, a yoga mat, or any of the gym tools. This minimalistic method is something I will follow because it seems the least wasteful, and also served as a reminder of how simple it is to start exercising (so I won't have an excuse to laze around).


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