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WSC Iceskating (A)

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I went ice skating with people in the World Scholars’ Cup club. It was the first time I ice skated, and I was not very athletically capable, but my goal was to at least skate without holding the railing in a few hours I had. In the process, I befriended a club member who guided me while I learned. I also got to improve my balance skills. But alas, I fell and kind of injured my tailbone, so I was unable to continue skating.

Ice skating was a good opportunity to test my courage in trying new things and I am eager to try again. Before, I wanted to exercise but feared sports because the rules were so complicated that I was often distracted and could not actually move much, but I find that ice skating might be my ideal sport because I can do it alone and it is simple enough that I can work on my physical strength without being confused by rules, while still having fun.


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